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Fernando Alonso: “We still do not know where we are”


  The Spaniard was more or less satisfied to complete he’s testing program but does not dare to assess the performance of the new Ferrari F2012 .

TEST F2012 BARCELLONA 1  Fernando Alonso was very cautious talking about the performance of the Ferrari F2012: "We still do not know much about how competitive we are at this time. About a Formula 1 car, the feelings are always good, but then others can go half a second faster or half a second slower than you," said Alonso after the training day was over.
  The Spaniard was able to complete he’s testing program without major incidents and on the next two days it will be Massa’s turn to take care of car development. "When Felipe will finish he’s program for this week then will try to put everything that has worked in the same car and see what happens." The double world champion would rather see the glass half full and said: “The front suspension did not give any problem" and F2012 always made the best times in the first part of the stints: "That means that the problem of heating of the tires seems resolved," he concluded.

  Alonso was unfazed by not having the best clock times being relatively “far” from Sebastian Vettel. "We had a good time or a bad time, depending on whether he was more or less loaded with petrol than us,"

Image: © Ferrari

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