Headline News


Poll Result: 2012 Chinese Grand Prix


Thanks to everyone who voted in our poll to rate the 2012 Chinese Grand Prix.

The results showed that it was a very popular race. You were asked to rate it out of five stars, and if we average all the ratings in the poll, the race gets 4.6 stars.

67% of you gave the Grand Prix five stars, 30% gave it four stars, 3% gave it three stars, and no one gave it two or one stars.

Thanks again for voting. Now if you haven’t already, why not predict the winner of this weekend’s Bahrain Grand Prix?

Full results below:

If you saw it, how many stars would you give the 2012 Chinese GP?

5 Stars – 66.7%

4 Stars – 30%

3 Stars – 3.3%

2 Stars – 0%

1 Star – 0%

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