Headline News

Williams fires a worker for refusing to go to Bahrain


Williams team has showed a hard hand to one of its employees when she refused to travel to Bahrain.

WilliamsThe Williams F1 Team had no problem in firing a catering employee who refused to go to Bahrain based on “moral grounds”.

The quick reaction from Williams was prompted mainly because many of its employees are reluctant to go to work in the troubled Kingdom of Bahrain, but in the team management opinion all of the workers have signed a contract for 20 F1 races and refusing to go to Bahrain means that  they will be in violation of that contract.

FIA confirmed last week that the Formula 1 race in the Arab country will go on, unlike last year when at first it was rescheduled and later on cancelled due to the violent repression by the local authorities to Bahraini demonstrators.

Last year forty people were killed by the police and this year yet another person died while filming with his cell phone an altercation between the police and a group of demonstrators.

Don’t forget to express your views in our poll about the Bahrain Formula 1 Race here, with results to be announced later today.

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